
Sandtray Therapy

Sandtray is one of the forms of expressive / play therapy we offer with individuals, families, and couples.

Expressive therapies, such as sandtray, can be particularly useful in facilitating individual and relational transformation. Expressive therapies enhance emotional connection among family members by highlighting vital aspects of connection, such as physical warmth and affection, attunement, movement, imagination, and humor.

Therapy is serious work that can also be playful. In fact, play and laughter have been found to release endorphins which may help generate individual and collective positive feelings in families, so many of whom have grown accustomed to tension and/or disengagement. Expressive therapies facilitate opportunities for self-expression and reflection in novel ways. Even highly expressive people are often surprised to see what emerges in sandtray work. Sandtray therapy can provide clients of every age with a sense of mastery and control over experiences that feel larger than life, and support the development of creative solutions and personal empowerment.

We offer expressive therapies, such as sandtray, to individuals, families, and couples.

Dr. Baima also provides sandtray training for groups of two to eight therapists at his San Mateo office upon request. Please contact him for more information.

Sandtray Therapy

We provide sandtray therapy in person.

If you think sandtray therapy may be a fit for you, please schedule a free 20-minute consultation with one of our therapists.